About Us
Show-Me Puppies is located in the beautiful Ozarks in the town of West Plains, Missouri. Our puppies and dogs are very important to us. We are one hundred percent dedicated to our dogs and puppies. Our home raised puppies and their parents are handled daily and are well socialized. Our puppies are raised indoors with lots of tender love and care. Our goal is to raise the healthiest, happiest puppies possible and place each in a loving home. We enjoy learning a little bit about our puppy's new families. We strive to match each puppy to an environment that will be fulfilling for all involved. Please don't be offended if we ask a few questions. Your answers to these questions will help us understand your expectations for you and your new family member. We love to stay in contact and support you as your puppy grows. We are especially appreciative of those willing to share family photos with their companion as he/she grows.
Contact us via telephone at 417-293-4468
E-mail us at: vfcockrum@yahoo.com